How to Start a Blog on Blogger - Beginner's Guide

بواسطة egynw بتاريخ 2012/12/28 | 11:38 PM

Blogging has become the best choice around the world to earn quick and easy money. And daily thousands of people around the world start their Blogs. Today we will explain you step by step, how to start a new Blog on Blogger is an online service owned by Google, and is the best platform to begin blogging.

Most of you who already have Blogs must be thinking that what a waste of time this article is. But trust me, there are a lot of people out there who wish to start their Blogs, but need guidance. So this article is to help the beginners to successfully start a Blog in an hour.
Before starting up, let us study about a few things related to Blogging. In my words, a Blog is actually a website, where articles are posted related to the area of its functioning. You can start a Blog, based on any anything, its entirely your choice.
You can start a Technology Blog, a Photography Blog, a blog for Web Designing Tutorials, Cookery Blog, Entertainment Blog etc. Also, some of you might be thinking, that who host my Blog, well if you start your Blog using, you blog will be hosted by Google, and it is absolutely free. Now lets do it, simply follow the below mentioned steps.

Step 1 - Navigate to and Sign in

Visit and sign in using your Google Account.

Step 2 - Click on New Blog to start

As you don't have a Blog already you will see a message "Create your Blog now". So click on the New Blog button on the left side.

Step 3 - Enter the Title, Address and select a Template for your Blog

This step is a crucial step, select an appropriate Title for your Blog (can be changed later),Address for your Blog (must be unique and can be changed later). Once your have entered Title and Address, now select a Theme for your Blog and click on "Create Blog!" button. These themes are provided by Google and can be changed whenever you want. You can easily get themes from the internet for free.

Step 4 - Blog Created lets Start Posting now

So our Blog is created now, its time to start posting. So either click on Start Posting or on the orange button with pencil icon.

Posting a new article, is very simple, you just need to write a Title for the Post and the body part. You can include imagesvideoslinks etc into your post. and you can also edit the HTMLcontent. Once you are done, with writing your Post, first click on Preview, to see how it looks, and if you are satisfied click on Publish.

Step 5 - Now lets learn more about Blogger

Now let us take a look at the Menu options provided by Blogger. We will give you a brief overview about each one, so that you can explore them to know more about them.

Overview - Here you will get a pictorial representation of your daily page views. Along with other details like, Comments (Awaiting moderation and Published), Pageviews today, Posts and Followers.

Posts - Displays the list of all the Posts published as well as drafts, along with Author's name, Comments, and the count of that post's views.

Pages - You can add custom pages like "About Me" page by creating a new Blank Page. From here you can also choose to display Side Links or Top Tabs for Pages and Labels.

Layout - From here you can handle the layout of your Blog. You can add new widgets, arrange them and can remove the unwanted ones. There are free widgets available, provided by Blogger, which you can easily add to your Blog. Click and Drag widgets to rearrange.

Template - This option gives you the control of complete customization of your Template. You can change the background, can adjust widths, customize the Layout, and more detailed adjustments can be done in Advanced option, where you can set colorfont and backgroundcolor for Header, Footer, Body etc. So try all the option, don't worry about things going wrong, you can anytime restore back to default.

We hope this helped you in starting your Blog and knowing more about Blogger. This is the most simple way to start a Blog, rest the success, depends on what you Post on it. So best of luck, and if you think we helped you, do LikeTweet and Share this post.

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11:38 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

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10:18 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

What is Backlink ???

What is Backlink?

One day my blogging friend told me about link exchange.. so i ask about backlink.. He explain about Backlink. Afterthat i decide to find more information about Backlink.. Finally i found some information about it and i thought it should share with my blog readers.

Backlink is a any link received by a web page, website, or top level domain from another web..

Backlink is a like Gold Mine..

Backlink is a one of valuable part of a SEO.. Because if we increase backlink of our blog, Our blog value is also increased.. Thats why most web/blog owners saying putting backlinks like digging gold mine.. :D
Backlink is not hard thing. Also not a very easy.. If you search you can find lot of SEO Softwares. You can use that softwares. But its not a 100% sure everytime. If you want to get good backlinks you have to collect them manually. I know its a lazy work, but its 100% successfull method collect good backlinks. Putting your web/blog link in some ones site or blog normally called backlinking. It could be in article section or commenting section or link exchange section. When the search engine identified you link in another web/blog it collected as a backlink.

Value of Backlink

Did you know value of Backlinks.? Each backlink increase your page rank everytime. Thats why i told above backlink like a gold mine. If you want to good page rank and increase your traffic, you should collect natural backlinks one by one..

How Can i Collect Natural Backlink.? 

Easiest and 100% accurate way, search on internet for do follow blogs. And you will find lists of do follow blogs. Commenting on that blogs, Always use page ranked blogs and sites to comment. Hope you understand about backlink..
7:17 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

How To Become Successful???.

How To Become Successful = Action, Balance, Dreams, Plans and Beliefs.

A woman is on a long hike ride through breathtaking valleys and over majestic mountains.  After sunbathing atop a cliff overlooking the water below, she sees she’ll have to backtrack in order to return home.  Thinking it over, she realizes that the jump into the cool water below isn’t that large after all.  If she jumps, she can continue forward toward new, exciting landscapes.  Gathering her courage, she approaches the side of the cliff.  She takes a deep breath and takes a leap of faith.

A woman is on a long hike ride through breathtaking valleys and over majestic mountains.  After sunbathing atop a cliff overlooking the water below, she sees she’ll have to backtrack in order to return home.  Thinking it over, she realizes that the jump into the cool water below isn’t that large after all.  If she jumps, she can continue forward toward new, exciting landscapes.  Gathering her courage, she approaches the side of the cliff.  She takes a deep breath and takes a leap of faith.


Accomplishment requires a balance between safety and daring.  If you’re too careful, you won’t open yourself up to all the opportunities that are waiting to present themselves.  If you’re too reckless, you may find yourself lost without a map.  Find the appropriate middle ground, and great success will appear in front of your eyes.

Taking Action

Life is about movement.  You’ve got to make decisions and hopefully make the right ones.  In order to accomplish great things, you’ll need a combination of motivation and thoughtfulness.  You’ll also need to keep your eyes open to new possibilities.  When situations arise that are out of your comfort zone, you’ve got to have the confidence to take action even if you’re not sure of yourself.  You have to keep moving.


At the same time, don’t become pigeonholed into a particular way of doing things.  Even if your way of solving challenges proves to be effective, don’t be afraid of dreaming up innovative ways to act and react.  Your imagination is an unlimited resource.  It’s not only the source of your creative ideas, but it’s a fertile testing ground for thought experiments.  Dreams are like a mirror world.  They reflect our desires and fears, our motivations and disappointments.  Look deep into your imagination, pull out what you find, and plant your fresh discoveries in the real world.

Making Plans

A sound strategy always pays off.  Even if everything blows up in your face, by formulating and implementing your plans, you’ll be able to take an objective look at what went right and what went wrong.  However, don’t become obsessed with your plans.  React to situations with the best response as they arise.  Remember, your plan is only a map.  Reality is the terrain, and you’ve got to think on your feet.  Have confidence in your abilities and have confidence in your plans.  To get the most from your belief system, you’ve got to have a little bit of…


Sometimes there’s nothing left but to make that leap into the water below.  Give yourself credit for your ideas and your capabilities.  Let your plans and your dreams become a reality.  If you don’t have faith in yourself and your business, you’ll lack the unshakeable confidence needed for success.  Without a strong belief in yourself and your ideas, your dreams and plans will be locked in the prison of your own head.  Grab the key of faith and release them.


The great thing is that actions and dreams, plans and beliefs, all combine together like puzzle pieces to drive success.  Your dreams feed your actions.  Your beliefs actualize your plans.  Your plans give rise to new dreams and so on.  Balance your life and your business with a hearty dose of each ingredient.
Though they may seem mysterious, great accomplishments are not an enigma.  If you can dream them, you can create them.  If you believe in yourself, you can bring your plans to life.

6:59 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

How to Succeed by Becoming an Expert at Trying

How to Succeed by Becoming an Expert at Trying

The Rise of Science

The Greek philosopher Aristotle was obsessed by the idea of amassing all the knowledge that existed in the world. Of course, this lofty goal undoubtedly proved to be futile, but thousands of years ago, you could get pretty close with some hard work and dedication.
Aristotle not only tried to collect the world’s knowledge, he made observations and formed plenty of theories of his own, increasing the sum total of information.
But something was missing.
Centuries later, after what historians conventionally refer to as The Dark Ages, clerics and civil administrators began to reopen the ancient books and seek non-religious knowledge once more. As the Renaissance paved the way for independent thinking, natural philosophy completed its metamorphosis into modern science.

The Method

This transformation was due in part to increased communication between knowledge-seeking parties, but also due to a reworking of how people generally thought about wisdom and learning. No more would simply reasoning through a problem lead to an accurate answer. Instead, one would have to formulate a hypothesis, observe and collect data, and most importantly, conduct repeated experiments to isolate the nature of the problem and discover proven solutions. Armed with the mode of thinking, science and commerce propelled themselves forward and shaped the modern world.

Get to Carnegie Hall

The most successful professional athletes are the ones who show up an hour before practice to hit the gym and then stay an hour afterward to practice technical drills. They also absorb as much information as possible, studying charts, analyzing opponents, and dissecting their own weaknesses. All this hard work makes their actions appear effortless when in fact, the opposite is true. They’ve put in more effort than anyone else. To succeed in the challenging world of business, and indeed to succeed in life, you’ve got to become an expert at trying. Incidentally, this also means you’ll become an expert at failing.

Be Honest with Yourself

But these failures are not in vain. In fact, you can reframe any failure as simply another step toward success if you genuinely learn something and make applicable changes. Look at your attempts as objectively as possible. Ask others you trust for their opinions. Identify what went wrong, tweak and adjust your attempts until they become as clean as a professional basketball player’s free throw shots.

Don’t Stop Believing

Whatever you do, you’ve got to keep moving. Even when things begin to look bleak, you’ve got to stay in motion. If you stop making attempts, you’ll be weighed down by the heavy distress of inaction. The best way to keep moving, and keep trying, is to capture the energy and exuberance that acted as your catalyst in the first place. This is easier said than done but it must be achieved. Remind yourself of your initial vision and take small and large steps that will allow you to actualize this vision. If all else fails, pop on some Journey and belt out an inspirational song. Don’t worry. No one is looking.

6:55 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

Ways to Make Money Online Possible When You're Just Starting Out?

Ways to Make Money Online Possible When You're Just Starting Out?

You’ve seen the ads. Make Easy Money Online! Fill Out Surveys For Quick Cash! Make Hundreds Of Dollars A Day By Clicking Your Mouse! Okay, forget the hysteria for a moment. Most of these types of ads won’t work. Yes, you may be able to make a few dollars here or there, but in most of these cases, your time is not worth the effort. They are similar to work-at-home opportunities like stuffing envelopes. But don’t despair. The truth is, there is plenty of money to be made online. And you don’t need to be a techie or business wizard to make some yourself. You just need to have a skill, a strategy, and be willing to work hard.

Become a Freelancer

There are millions of people starting online businesses. A lot of these people and companies need additional help and outsource work on websites that connect employers with freelancers. What kind of service can you offer? Do you know anything about web design? Are you a competent writer? How about a graphic artist? Whatever your skill, as long as it can be performed remotely, there is a market for it online. You say you don’t have a marketable skill? Well, you may just lack a bit of confidence. Educate yourself and try it out. After you get paid the first time, even just a little, your confidence will skyrocket and you’ll start seeking higher paid gigs. Check out sites like Freelancer, Guru, and Elance for a variety of gigs. If you’re a writer, check out Texbroker and iWriter. Craigslist also has plenty of opportunities, though you will have to navigate through some weird postings to find the gems. Join several freelancing sites, create a compelling profile and start finding jobs. On some of these sites, you’ll have to bid for a position. Start small, get some positive feedback, and then raise your rates to what you feel is appropriate.


Another website that connects freelancers with buyers, Fiverr is particularly interesting because of the sheer variety of services and products you can find for sale. It has spawned countless imitators but it remains the most popular, with plenty of users online all the time. Basically, you offer a product or service for five dollars (the website takes a dollar) and wait for people to contact you. What you offer here is only limited by your imagination. There are people making money doing voiceover work, writing, graphic design, handing out flyers, doing imitations, and hundreds of other creative ideas. If you can do something strange that grabs people’s attention, somebody may want to utilize you for marketing purposes. The trick here is to find something you can complete quickly. After all, you’re only getting a fiver. After you’ve established yourself, you can offer extras for additional pay.

Start a Blog

Anyone can start a blog. Use WordPress and find a niche you’re passionate about. If you have a successful blog that generates a lot of traffic, you can monetize it directly with advertising. However, you can also use your blog as a springboard for starting your own business. If you’d like to be a writer, a blog is an excellent place to showcase your skills. Make it professional and include several samples of different styles and subject matters. Include your contact information and wait for some offers. If you’re a graphic artist, blog about your passion and include some samples of your work. Whatever service you’re selling, a blog can act as a catalyst to reach out to your potential clients and consumers.

Sell, Sell, Sell

If you’d rather sell other people’s products, the Web is rife with opportunities for that as well. Check out Clickbank or Comission Junction. If you’re creative and dedicated, you can make a hefty commission for selling eBooks or other products. Amazon also has a lucrative affiliate program. Work these links into a successful niche blog and check your paypal account for profits. If you like to sell physical products, you can always try your hand at reselling Craigslist or eBay items. Basically, look for items that are inexpensive that you feel you can sell at a higher price. Craigslist even has a free section. You can find some valuable items if you’re local and have the time to pick them up. Market these products to an audience that is willing to pay higher prices and you’ll be active in the age-old business of arbitrage.
6:32 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

3 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

3 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

 Optimizing your website to gain search engine positioning
 can be a process that takes a lot of time and focus.
  It’s no wonder a lot of entrepreneurs hire SEO firms to
  handle this for them. But that can be very expensive,
  and it’s hard to know which firms are the best.
  While many stick to “white hat” practices,
   others resort to actions that can get
   your site penalized if found out.
 There are a lot of SEO tactics you can employ
  yourself though, and there are some
  mistakes a lot of site owners make
  that are hurting their search engine rankings.
  Correcting just a few things can actually
 make a significant difference. Below are three of the most common mistakes made by online entrepreneurs. Correcting these won’t guarantee you a first place Google position, but it will get you on the right track.
1. Ineffective Page Titles – If the name of your company is all that comes up at the top of your site’s pages (in the title bar), it will only help improve searches for your company name. And those searches aren’t made by people you need to attract. They already know who you are. To attract people searching for what you do rather than who you are, customize the <title> tag for each page to reflect what that page is about, being sure to use key search terms whenever possible. This will increase the chances of your site coming up as a search result for those keywords.
2. Placing Text in an Image – If you’re not an html or php pro, it can be difficult to get your site to line up exactly as you want it. All those <div> and <style> tags can be a real pain. So putting text in an image is a great idea, right? It’s lined up exactly where you want it, and you can even use funky fonts! But hold on. Search engines don’t know a picture of a squirrel from an image of your bio. To them, it’s just an image. So any keywords or phrases that are in the text within the image are not considered at all for SEO purposes. Sure, you can add <alt> and <title> tags to your images, and that will help to a degree, but it isn’t actual content, and content is what the search engines love most.
If you’re trying to optimize your site for search engine ranking, be more concerned with the context of your text than the design. That’s not to say design isn’t important. It is very important from the standpoint of providing the right experience for your site visitors. But you can have both – a great looking site that has a first page search engine position.
3. Not Using Analytics – Google analytics (or comparable statistics tools) can make a big difference for you in a lot of ways. Using Google analytics isn’t going to help your SEO directly, but it will tell you if what you’re doing is paying off, and that’s worth a ton. Many site owners are just concerned with how many hits their site is getting. This is an important statistic, but only in conjunction with other numbers.
For example, if your site gets 2,000 hits a day, but 90% bounce (leave practically immediately after arriving), it’s not doing you much good. Studying your bounce rates, traffic sources, click-throughs, and other pertinent information will tell you if what you’re doing is working. And if you’re tackling your site’s SEO on your own, you need that knowledge. A big part of making SEO work is tweaking it as you go to constantly improve, and analyzing your stats will help you identify holes and make adjustments as necessary.
Again, SEO isn’t as easy as a lot of people think, but just about everyone can improve their site’s search engine status to some degree, simply by avoiding the above mistakes. What other SEO blunders do you see site owners making? Share with the community in the comments below.
6:16 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

Quit Wasting Time on SEO

Quit Wasting Time on SEO

 1. Content – Well, duh, right?  As is often said, content is king.  That’s not only true for keeping
  people coming  back to your site it’s also true for SEO purposes.Search engines love fresh new (relevant) content.

    There are a lot of bloggers who post infrequently and sporadically, and they’re just not doing themselves any favors from an SEO standpoint.  Relevance is another important issue when planning your content.  There are blogs out there that are mind-blowingly broad in their content topics, and this makes them less attractive to the search engines.  If you have posts about software, nutrition, politics, celebrity gossip, and how to do origami all on the same page, chances are you won’t rank high for any of those topics.  The exception might be a news site that already has substantial traffic, but even those tend to categorize their content both for better readability and SEO performance.
2. Keyword Frequency – The trick for some people is to balance quality, well-written content with keyword frequency.  This shouldn’t be hard though.  If you’re writing about a topic and you’re going to cover it well, you’ll naturally use your keywords in your writing.  One thing you can do though is scan what you’ve written and change some wording to other keyword variations – as long as it doesn’t make your writing sound dumb.  For instance, in this post, it would be fine to mix it up and spell out SEO as “search engine optimization” now and then, as long as it flows and doesn’t detract from the writing.  But it shouldn’t be obvious that you’re optimizing.  That’s annoying to read (even if it’s an SEO blog about SEO), and your readers – who want to learn about search engine optimization – will not tolerate it, nor will the search engines who you’re trying to search engine optimize your search engine keywords for in your article about search engine optimization. (SEO)
3. Title – Your title tag (or post title for a blog) is an important consideration for a couple of reasons.  First of all, and perhaps most importantly, you want to give your readers and idea of what the page is about.  In doing so, you’ll no doubt use your target keywords in your title – which is the other important aspect of title tags.  This makes perfect sense.  When people get a long list of search results, what do they do?  They scan the titles to find the result most relevant to their search.  So you’re helping yourself by helping your site’s visitors when you optimize your title tag with relevant keywords.  Also, for search purposes, try to keep your title under 72 characters.  That way the full title will show in search results.
4. Meta Description – Following your page’s title in the search results is the page description.  There are varying opinions about whether using keywords in your description meta will improve SEO, but it’s still something you want to pay attention to.  Why?  Because even if it won’t help you get ranked higher, it will increase click-through rates once you are ranked.  After scanning titles of search results for relevant content, searchers read descriptions, so even if you have the perfect title, the proper description will validate and cement their decision to click through to your page.
5. Links – Search engines believe (if a computerized algorithm can believe something) that the more connected you are, the more relevant you are.  So both incoming and outgoing links matter when it comes to SEO.  Outgoing links can be to other sites with related content or to relevant internal pages.  This basically tells the search engine, “See – what I’m presenting must be relevant.  Here are other sites and pages talking about the same thing.”
Obviously, like I said in the beginning, there are a lot of other areas that can affect SEO, including H1 tags, link alt tags, image alt tags, keyword meta tags, etc.  But if you want to spend more of your time running your business, focusing on the above five areas will improve your SEO without wasting your time.
6:05 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

3 Simple SEO Tips for Your Website

3 Simple SEO Tips for Your Website

We have received a handful of emails asking us to explain the basics of SEO, so here goes! All of you SEO Guru’s out there, please bare with us as we tackle the basics.

If you already have a website, you probably spent either a good deal of time or money (or both) getting it set up so that it represents your company in the best possible light. But design is only part of the equation for successful online business. In this age of technology, small business owners need to have at least an elementary grasp of what it takes to keep them competitive on the internet.
So, let’s start with the basics. I am sure you’ve heard the term SEO before! SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and it is a method for ensuring your website is properly “optimized” which helps with your ultimate goal of having your website appear at the top (or as close as possible to it) of a search engine’s results.
If you go to and type in the phrase “Web Hosting”, you’ll get literally hundreds of pages of results. However, most internet users are not going to search through all of them. They’ll look at the first and possibly second pages of results. That’s it. So if your web hosting company comes up on page 35 of the Google search results, it may never see the light of day. How can you get your website to come up closer to the top of the search engine results? That’s what SEO is all about!
Keep in mind that there are professional SEO writers who can revamp your entire website text to get your website on the right track; but if you are not interested in paying someone to do it for you right now, here are three handy “DIY” SEO tips that you can use to tweak your own website:
1. Select Your Keywords Wisely
Keywords are what SEO is all about. These are words, terms, and phrases that are used when people search the internet for a specific subject. Generally, the more specific the keywords, the better; for example, if you sell real estate you don’t just want to set your keywords as “real estate” or “home buying.” There are hundreds of thousands of other sites that use these same keywords and you will not stand out as unique just by using them.
What you want to do is figure out what makes your business unique, and form keywords based on that. So, for example, “Topeka Kansas real estate” is much more specific and will help people who are searching for a home in Topeka find your site quickly.
2. Use Your Keywords in all Areas of Your Website
This means using your keywords in your meta tags, your navigation buttons, your main page text, your files and folders, and your links. Obviously you need your website content to make sense, so simply repeating key words over and over again is not good form; plus many search engines are programmed to avoid sites that are obviously trying to cheat the system by using nonsensical text just for SEO purposes. But careful placement of SEO keywords in all the areas of your site can strengthen your website’s search-ability and this is the essence of Search Engine Optimization.
3. Get Linked!
In addition to keywords, search engines look for websites that have many other websites linked to it. If other websites consider your site an “authority” and are linking to it then it automatically gains a higher ranking in the search engine. You can get other sites to link to you by simply requesting it from the site owners. Often they will want a reciprocal link from your site to theirs and this is a good way to build online relationships.
You can also list your site in search engines (free or paid) and develop your online social networking tools. For example, you can create a Squidoo lens about your company’s products or services and link it back to your site.
These 3 tips are just the beginning of what can be done with Search Engine Optimization and they are simple enough for any small business owner with access to their website. However, if you are interested in really making SEO work for you, I recommend hiring a professional; or at the very least, developing your knowledge of online marketing and web tools.
Now, any of the SEO experts out there, please feel free to jump in and comment on any other details that may be helpful to our readers. Thanks!
5:56 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد

Where Is My Search Engine Traffic???

Where Is My Search Engine Traffic?
If you build it, they will come. Well, that may work for Kevin Costner and a bunch of baseball-playing ghosts, but it doesn’t really work in today’s competitive world of websites and blogs. You can build a great website, or start and maintain a great blog, and get traffic from word of mouth alone. But your chances of succeeding this way are not likely. You need to explore all avenues of getting traffic, and search engines are the primary way users will locate your site. So why aren’t you ranking in the search engines? Where is the traffic? Evaluate some of the common problems below and see if they help in your search.

Research Those Keywords

Put yourself in the mind of an Internet searcher. What would you type into Google or Bing to find what you’re looking for? Start with broad searches and narrow things down to niche searches. Remember, you want to find relevant keywords, but not phrases so common they’re bogged down by too much competition. Think outside of the box and be specific. Use a combination of your instincts and tools like Google Adwords to discover effective keywords. Make sure to include appropriate keywords in your headlines and titles.


Simplicity reigns supreme. Your website should be easy to navigate. Don’t try to be too flashy. Not only will users appreciate simplicity, but search engine spiders will have a much easier time checking it out. Use WordPress, avoid Flash and Javascript, choose a simple but visually pleasing them, and create a sitemap.

All Hail the King

Yeah, yeah, you’ve heard it before. But it must be repeated. Ultimately, great content is the most important factor when it comes becoming popular. Fill your blog with content that is entertaining and informative. Offer your readers and viewers something unique. Never use duplicate content. Google will punish you severely. Put the user first, before the search engine. Remember, the search engine is there to serve the user. Focus on the user and the search engine will work for you. Make your posts thorough but not long-winded. And update your site regularly. The more often you post great content, the more opportunities search engine users will have to locate you.

Link Up

The more relevant the sites that link to your blog the better, at least to a certain degree. The keyword here is relevant. The days of spam back-linking are over, and if you engage in this behavior, you’ll actually be penalized by search engines. Focus on building relationships and building links with quality, trusted, relevant websites and your search engine ranking will skyrocket. Utilize press releases, register with directories, and use text link advertising. The best way to ensure relevant incoming links? Again, the answer is great content that people naturally want to share.

Optimize Your Images

Often neglected, image searching can generate a huge amount of traffic. Remember, people are generally visual creatures. Use a descriptive file name for your image that includes keywords for which you’d like to rank. Don’t make your image too large that it interferes with load times. Include descriptive captions that will entice searchers to stay on your page and lower bounce rates. Finally, include alt-text so search spiders can understand the image you’re posting. Just ad alt=”your alt text here” to your image tag.
Do you have any tips you use to attract search engine traffic? Let us know in the comments below!
5:43 PM | 0 comments | قراءة المزيد